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Line scan camera calculator - Calculation of sensor resolution, line scan frequency and data rate

It is important for the selection of suitable line scan cameras to determine the correct resolution of the sensor in order to guarantee the required image resolution across the coveying direction. Line lengths of 0.5 to approx. 12 K pixels are available. If these line resolutions are not sufficient, several line scan cameras must be operated in a row.
The resolution in transport direction is determined by the line scan frequency of the camera which defines how many lines per second are to be generated. It can be calculated from the conveyor speed and the required resolution (on the assumption that the image is not distorted and has the same resolution in X-direction and Y-direction).
Line frequency * sensor resolution * bit depth defines the overall data quantity generated by the line scan cameras which must be transmitted to the PC via a suitable interface. Due to header information of a communication protocol, the real amount of transported data could be more. This effect is not included in these calculations.

Note: Even when using the drop-down lists own values can be entered. Please use the first entry "user def."!

Width of the object / conveyor belt in mm:
Desired resolution pixels per mm:
Belt speed in mm / sec:
Bit depth of camera:

Calculated resolution:
Needed camera resolution:
Calculated line frequency:
Calculated max. exposure time:
Pixel Clock and Data Rate:

Attention: Calculated values are only reference values and only provide analytical information. Please discuss your application with an image processing specialist regarding the practicability using existing hardware.

Further explanations and details can be found in chapter "Line scan frequency & resolution".

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